I was kindly sent the Mia Dress by Sew Love Patterns ahead of it's release a couple of months ago but only just got around to sewing it up! The dress is a baby doll style shape at the bust and comes with a maxi or mini length option.
I had this gorgeous seashell linen in my stash from the shop (unfortunately now sold out) and I thought it would be the perfect match!

Overall, the dress was super easy to sew up. The bodice has a lot of ease and came together quickly. I thought I was going to have to wait to finish the dress as the zip I ordered hadn't arrived yet but Johanna, the owner of the brand, advised that I might not even need the zip. She was right, as on trying it on, I realised I could still get the dress easily over my head!
I think this probably took me about 3 hours to sew, which isn't bad for a summer dress!

On finishing the garment, I think I was a little disappointed at the fit on me. This is completely a me-problem, and not the fault of the pattern. I had envisaged the bodice would be slightly more fitted and I feel like the relaxed shape makes it feel more of a casual garment than I intended. Nevertheless, I'm sure I'll get plenty of wear out of this in the warmer weather and I could definitely recommend this as an achievable project for a novice sewer.
Lots of love