Tutorial: Liberty Heirloom Bag

Tutorial: Liberty Heirloom Bag

Say to hello to my latest bag creation!

I have been absolutely loving sewing up accessories lately- it makes such a nice change from dressmaking projects! The pieces are super easy to cut, often don't even require a pattern, and can be whipped up in a couple of hours tops!

The inspiration for this make came to me as soon as I saw the gorgeous new Liberty Heirloom 1 Collection. I'm obsessed with the purple and pink tones, and mixed in with the whites and blues, it makes for a really wearable collection of prints. I also wanted to challenge myself to think up a project perfect for using up all those fat quarters hanging around in our sewing spaces. I know it's something a lot of us have built up in our stash, and sometimes it can be difficult to know what to do with them!

So, if you want to have a go at sewing up your own super cute tote, here is what you'll need:

4x fat quarters of complimenting fabric

1x Fat Quarter Wadding (I like to use an 80:20 polyester blend)

To cut out: (W x H)

2x main bag pieces- 25 x 29 cm

2x lining pieces- 25 x 29 cm

2x wadding pieces- 25 x 29cm

2x outer pockets- 18 x 17 cm

4x strap pieces (2 pieces will make one strap)- 9 x 56cm

4x ruffle strips- 9 x 56cm

* Optional inner lining pocket- 22.5 x 16cm

And here's how to sew it up!

 1. Baste wadding to main bag pieces and trim any excess

2. Prepare outer pockets. Press top edge under 0.5cm and then another 1cm and stitch down. Pin in position on front and back of bag.

3. Sew two bag straps together along short edge. Press. Fold in half lengthways and stitch to form a tube. Turn out and press. Repeat for other handle. Edgestitch along each of the long sides 2mm from edge.

4. Pin handles to main bag matching raw edges and making sure the raw edges of the pocket are enclosed. Now is a good time to add a label if you're using one. Stitch down following the edgestitching line, stopping 1cm away from the top edge.

5. Sew all frill pieces together along short edges. Sew a seam at both short ends and turn out. Press lengthways with wrong sides together. Run two rows of gathering stitches along the frill. Gather to be the same length as the bag, pin & stitch in place.

6. Add pocket to lining if desired.

7. Pin both main bag pieces together all the way round the outside and stitch in place. Repeat for lining leaving a least a 1 inch gap the bottom to allow us to turn the bag right side out.

8. Turn main bag piece to be right side out. Place main bag inside the lining with right sides together and pin all the way round the top, making sure the handles are not trapped. Stitch around top.

9. Using the hole in the lining, pull the main bag through to turn the whole bag out. Stitch up hole in the lining and edgestitch round top rim of the bag if desired.

10. Press, trim threads, and enjoy your new make!

If you're more of a visual learner, you can follow along with my Youtube tutorial, so it's like you're right in the sewing room with me...

 You can buy the exact kit I used to make this bag on the shop for £32.99 if you want to be bag twins!

Make sure to tag @thecraftypieshop on Instagram so I can see all your wonderful creations.

Lots of love



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